Our previous project at YMCA that was SMI Fellowship Day with the theme:FUN LAUGHTER AND GAMES(F.L.A.G)!!It was held on 28th December 2009..The purpose of this project is to strengthen the relationship among the Leos from District 308B2.It also provide a chance for Leos to know other Leo from other club..Its was a successful project..Firstly Leo Club of St.Michael's would like to thank to the Organizing Chairperson,Leo Soon Zheng Hoong,the Organizing Committee and fellow Lions and Leos who spent their golden time in our Fellowship Day!!*THANK YOU*It starts at 9 in the morning and end about 12.00pm..In that duration,games such as Banana game,Wrap it! and other were conducted and also performance by Jeremy Goh,Leo Idol 2009 and breakdance was performed by Soul Crew.. Leo Boo and Leo Kenny were chosen to play the BANANA GAME!!!They need to swing their banana to hit the beer bottle and make sure it drop.. WRAP IT!!! Their designer and their model..Really creative!!hahax Leo Idol 2009,Jeremy Goh performing in our event! DC Lion Alan,Leo Cabinet President Leo Eliza,Leo Cabinet Secretary Leo Fong Chee Kiat also attended our event!!!
Hope you all will come again for our next event..Thank You!!