All right!!Im back again to tell you about today!kekex..All right,in the morning we went to Sekolah Menengah Bantuan Kuching High!We went there to help the Teen Ambassador,Azizi Zakaria!He gave a talk about NKF and I really salute him because as young talented singer,he is also busy with giving talk to other to make an awareness to other.Let the pics show u wad we did..hahax..
The fanz of Azizi round up to get his signature!!hahax Hehex..up are some suprise for you!We went to our International Director Office,Lion Ellis Suriyati! hahax..All of us are shocked with her collection of being a Lions Club member!After that we went and had a lunch..
At about 12pm,we went to Sarawak FM!!!Azizi Zakaria and Lion Marcus went on air!Wow!!but our name were mentioned on air too!!hahax!!its fun la when we were in the 'konti' 1st ever experience..
hahax!I hope I will be on air one day as an artist too..!wkakakkax
In the middle of the interview,there are 2 person who fall a the way,I think they were at Gold Coast of Australia during their dreams.hahax Let see who are those two>>!! Its takes about 3 hours to finish evryting..hahaxx Once we reached hotels,everyone feel very tired and went to slep...Want more updates?!!check it out tommorrow!!