Leo Club of St.Michael's Institution

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fun Laughter And Games!!(FLAG)

Hey,Leos!!We are organizing an event on 28th DECEMBER 2009!!Its all about FUN,LAUGHTER AND GAMES!!(FLAG)...We welcome each and everyone of you but there are only 100 limited spaces available!First come,first serve!!Below is the information of the event:

Date:28th DEC 2009
Venue:YMCA Conference Hall
Time:9am Registration Starts
Dress Code:Wear a red nose!
Fee:RM12 per room..

All right!If you are interested,please do inform your president to send us an email to our mail box-leoclubofstmichael@hotmail.com

Leo Steven

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Save Your Kidney's Kuching-Day 3 onwards...

Ahahax!Sorry everyone..because what our President did in Kuching,Sarawak were not post out fully...kekex..Lets continue again oo..hahax!!All right,this was what our President did in Kuching to help out AZIZI ZAKARIA..ITS FUN LA!!!

We visited non-Leo based schools LEO based schools like SMK Pandungan, SMK & SK Batu Lintang, Kuching High, St. Thomas, SMK St.Teresa, SMK Chung Hua amongst others... The main objective of the campaign is to urge school going teenagers to reduce the intake of sugar and salty food.. hence keeping their lifestyle as healthy as possible and of course, preserving their kidneys at a tip-top condition.

After that,around 7pm we had a fellowship dinner with LEOs from District 308A2 and a few LEOs from District 308B2...

Leos keying in their e-mails so that we can add them on Facebook, Twitter or blogs later..This is also one of the way to GO GREEN!hahax!!Truly a great fellowship that expanded across regions!!!

Kuching Leos are a fun bunch! Seen here one of their younger, smaller sized Leo member
kena "saboh" by his gang of mischieves. Haha...

Leos from District308A2 seen here "attacking" Leo Steven... (haha) for badges exchange! :P

A Leo Xavier from Leo Club of St Thomas sang Gary Chaw's 背叛 too!

The Fellowship ended at about 9.30pm.. here's a group photo of the remaining Leos who were still very fresh despite the fact that they have school tomorrow (?) - haha.. ya ya..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

GO GREEN!!-Recycling Project

On the 19th of November , the members of the Leo Club of SMI has decided to "Go Green" by organising a recycling project chaired by Leo Foo Wei Jien.This project is on for 3 days. The members collected rubbish from the staffroom of our school to be recycled. We also went around the school collecting rubbish and separating them into recyclable and non-recyclable.(more Photos will be uploaded)

Posted by,
Leo Yau Wing Tim.
IT Director.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Save Your Kidney's Kuching-Day 2

All right!!Im back again to tell you about today!kekex..All right,in the morning we went to Sekolah Menengah Bantuan Kuching High!We went there to help the Teen Ambassador,Azizi Zakaria!He gave a talk about NKF and I really salute him because as young talented singer,he is also busy with giving talk to other to make an awareness to other.Let the pics show u wad we did..hahax..

The fanz of Azizi round up to get his signature!!hahax
Hehex..up next..here are some suprise for you!We went to our International Director Office,Lion Ellis Suriyati! hahax..All of us are shocked with her collection of being a Lions Club member!After that we went and had a lunch..

At about 12pm,we went to Sarawak FM!!!Azizi Zakaria and Lion Marcus went on air!Wow!!but our name were mentioned on air too!!hahax!!its fun la when we were in the 'konti'..hahax..my 1st ever experience..

hahax!I hope I will be on air one day as an artist too..!wkakakkax

In the middle of the interview,there are 2 person who fall a sleep..hahax..by the way,I think they were at Gold Coast of Australia during their dreams.hahax Let see who are those two>>!!
Its takes about 3 hours to finish evryting..hahaxx
Once we reached hotels,everyone feel very tired and went to slep...Want more updates?!!check it out tommorrow!!

President's Diary in Kuching

Hey,everyone!Our club Leo President had just arrived in Kuching on the 15 Nov 2009!hahax!!Well,let him write some thing on what he had done in Kuching!

Greetings to everyone from Steven!Well,the first day I arrived in Kuching. It was about 9.30pm. Seriously quite tired sitting in flight for about 2 hours. After that,Lion Marcus pick me up and also the Teen Ambassador of National Kidney Foundation,Azizi Zakaria with 2 Leos from La Salle,Klang! Both of our flight were sponsored by our District Chairperson of 308B2,Lion Alan Thoo! and also the company of Event Plus (M) Sdn Bhd!I would like to send my thanks to our DC,Lion Alan and Event Plus Marketing for sponsoring our flight ticket!!

After that,we went to hotel and took a bath. Then we went and ate Kolo MEE!!hahax..the most delicious food so far.. After that,once back to hotel I fall a sleep..kekex.. I will update my information eveyday ya!!so visit the blog more often yea!!hahax..

Leo Steven

CLD orientation in SMI

The Leo Club of SMI had had a ClD orientation last Sunday. About 20 Leos from various schools attended the orientation. The examiner for the Orietation was Leo Eliza Chia. Leo Club of SMI would like to wish those who took the exam best of luck and all of them passes.
Posted by
Leo Yau Wing Tim
IT director.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clean Up the School

Ahahahx!!all of you sure wondering why Leo Club of SMI like inactive ady ryte??!!NO!!!due to our exams we had stop for a moment..All Right!!After our school examination ends,we did a School Service Project ya!We cleaned the school basketball court and also the car park area!We get to pick up plenty of mask and paper used by students..Okay!Let the pic show u wad we had did!!GOGOGO!!!

Leo Steven

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

District Leo CAmp 2009


DATE : 4th to 6th DECEMBER 2009

VENUE: White Resort Camp, Balik Pulau, Penang.



Registration fee for Leo is RM 100.00 per person register before 15th November 2009, including 2-nights accommodation based on shared room, 2(two) breakfasts, 3(three) lunches, 1(one) dinner, 2(two) suppers & Insurance coverage during the camp. The registration will be limited for 150 pax and based on first come first serve basis.

The objectives of this camp are:
• To create and foster a spirit of understanding amongst Leos in the District 308 B2
• To instill in Leo members the safety and appreciation of the environment
• To provide activities promoting teamwork, discipline, tolerance, independence and self-endurance
• To encourage sharing of ideas throughout the District 308 B2
• To develop leadership potential among Leos

Activities such as Cooking Competition, Team-building, Treasure Hunt and Fellowship will be further value-added with other camping skills sessions like the pitching of tents, selecting campsites, and starting a fire.

To ensure that your place in the camp is reserved, kindly return the registration form, duly signed, no later than 15th November 2009: -
(a) Official Registration Form
(b) Club Registration Form
(c) Appropriate amount of payment in the form of crossed cheque or demand draft payable to:
(d) 2 (two) colour passport size photographs of each participant (compulsory)
(e) Retain photocopies of forms for own reference


9.30am ~ Gather at Bus Station
11.00am ~ Registration
12.00pm ~ Lunch
12.30pm ~ Opening Ceremony
2.00pm ~ Ice Breaking & Group Dividing *
3.00pm ~ Workshop
4.30pm ~ Cooking Competition **
7.30pm ~ Dinner & Bath
8.30pm ~ Games
10.30pm ~ Supper & Sketch Discussion
11.30pm ~ Sleep

7.00am ~ Bath & Breakfast
8.00am ~ Jungle Trekking
9.30am ~ Team Building
11.00am ~ Treasure Hunt
1.00pm ~ Bath , Lunch & Sketch Discussion
3.00pm ~ Seminar
4.00pm ~ Games
6.00pm ~ Bath & Dinner
7.30pm ~ Fellowship Night Leo Day
11.00pm ~ Sleep

7.00am ~ Exercise
7.30am ~ Bath & Breakfast
8.30am ~ Station Games
11.00am ~ Bath & Pack Up
1.00pm ~ Closing Ceremony
2.00pm ~ Lunch & Bye Bye

Shuttle will be provided on 4th December 2009 (arrival) and 6th December 2009 (departure).

Saturday, October 17, 2009


HEY,LEO and my fellow friends!!we would like to take this this opportunity to wish all the indians in the world "HAPPY DEEPAVALI". Deepavali, which is also known as the festival of lights. One important practice that the Hindus follow during the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes on Deepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the Hindus are thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge, peace and wealth that they have received. The Hindus consider Deepavali as one of the most important festivals to celebrate.

For those that going to take their exam,we LEO CLUB OF SMI would like to wish them...

Leo Club of SMI

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Mooncake Festival is here AGAIN ~

On the 3rd of October and on the 8th day of the 15th month according to the Chinese calender, the chinese will be celebrating their Mid-Autumn Festival which is the Mooncake Festival.The Leo Club of SMI would like to wish all the Chinese Happy Mooncake Festival.Wishing them to have LOTS and LOTS of luck , joy ,prosperity and also not to forget , Mooncakes !!

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Leo Yau Wing Tim
I.T. Chairperson

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Selamat Hari Raya" from Leo Club of SMI.

On behalf of all the members of Leo Club of SMI , i would like to wish all the Malays "Selamat Hari Raya" !! Many of you guys may not know what is the real meaning of Hari Raya Puasa.So , here is a brief definition on the prestigous day for the Malays.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri (also seen as Hari Raya Idul Fitri and Hari Raya Puasa, literally "Celebration Day of Fasting") is the Malay term for the Muslim festival of Eid ul-Fitr. Hari Raya is also known as Lebaran. Muslims in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines celebrate Eid like other Muslims throughout the world. The term "Hari Raya" literally means "Day of Celebration" — it is also occasionally used to refer to Eid ul-Adha in the form of "Hari Raya Aidiladha". The main greeting used by Muslims in Malaysia and Singapore is "Selamat Hari Raya" which means "Happy Eid" in Malay. Another greeting is "maaf zahir dan batin" which translates loosely to "I seek forgiveness (from you) physically and spiritually", for Hari Raya is a time to reconcile and renew relationships with others.

Well thats all about it..For more information on this , u can visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hari_Raya_Aidilfitri.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blood Donation Campaign

Hey,LEOs..is this project still going around??hahax..well,we Leo Club of St.Michael's Institution had done a joint project with St.Michael's Oldboys..huh..such a good project!!this was held at Outside of SUB,1st Floor, Kinta City Ipoh..and this project started at 14-16 August! 3 days!!....

before everything start,we get a lecture from Fazlee!the OC!!

We help to distribute some flyer about the event!!We know we shall GO GREEN!!hahax..sorry oo!

Registration but after that donor still need to go for a blood test..

Setting up a place for the donor...

Learn to collect the blood!!

The Donors!!they feel happy..hahax..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

9th KL Leo Clubs Joint Installation 2009

Regarding the statement above,Invitation Department for KL Leo Clubs Joint Installation 2009 has invite us to their Joint Installation.For those who are interested,please give your name to Leo Steven.We will go as 1 day trip.The following details are:

Date: 22nd of August 2009
Time: 9.00 a.m – 12.30 p.m
Venue: KDU College, P.J Hall
Theme: A Spectrum of Colours
Dress Code: Leos- Full Uniform
Non-Leos- Semi Formal
Ticket price: RM15

Thank you,inform Leo Steven by 11 August 2009 for those who are interested.

Leo Steven

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

General Meeting

Attention to Leos from SMI,there will be a General Meeting on this Friday.

Date:7th August 2009

Attendance is strictly compulsory.If not attending,please write a letter!Thank you.

Leo Steven

Thursday, July 30, 2009

1st Twinning Anniversary, Joint Installation, Club Anniversary & Initation of New Members

Hey,Leo Club of Ipoh Unity invite us to their twinnin anniversary at Penang.Have transport problem? Dont worry,you just need to pay RM26 for a seat.LOLx.First come first serve ya.We might going for shopping trip too after or before the event!!REMINDER,it is 1 day trip!If we want to overnight,we depends on the amount of people that will be going!!And the Organizer and Leo Club of St.Michael's Institution will not be responsible for any overnight stay.The following are the details:

Date : August 15th 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 2.00p.m.
Venue : Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel, Penang
Cost of Hi-Tea : RM30.00 per pax
Attire : Formal / Club Uniform

Feel to go and celebrate with them??get the permission letter from Leo Donivald Tham,Secretary.REMINDER:Those who want to go,inform Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang,President before 5pm on Sunday!

Leo Steven

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Hour!!

Regarding the statement above,Leo Club of Anderson had sent an invitation to us to participate in their event,Happy Hour!!hahax.i think it will be fun,would it be some thing like disco?lolx.want to enjoy yourself?go for it!!The details are:

Theme : “ Happy Hours ”
Date : 29th August 2009
Time : 8.00 a.m – 01.30 p.m
Venue : SMK Anderson School Hall
Fees : RM10 ( lunch provided )
Attire : Club T-Shirt

For those who like to go for it,please get a permission letter from Leo Donivald Tham,Secretary.

Leo Steven

Thursday, July 16, 2009

IR Day of Leo Club of SBC

Leo Club of SBC had invited us to their IR Day.The theme of their IR Day is 'The Dark Parade'.For those who are interested,please tell Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang and get the PERMISSION LETTER from Leo Donivald Tham.Go for it!!You might get to know hot,cute and pretty girls from other clubs!!Not only that,take some experience and let people know the Leo CLub of St.Michael's!!The following details:

Date:18th July 2009
Time:9am to 1pm
Venue:SMK SBC Hall
Fee:RM10(including badge and lunch)
Dress Code:Black,white,silver,gold

SEE all of you there!!!

1st General Meeting term 09/10

Attention to all Leos of SMI,
There will be a General Meeting at 17/7/2009.

Venue:Class 3A10

New members are welcome.

Further information,find Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang of class 4sc1.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sight Event!!

This event is organize by 8 Lions Clubs.and we Leo Club of SMI were invited to join the event.There will be a journey too just like starwalk also.hahax.For those who are interested please call and tell Leo Lu Calvin.Thank You..

This are the following information:
Date:12 July 2009
Venue:Dataran Ipoh(opposite Parkson Grand)
Time:Reach before 7a.m.
Attire:Casual and vest.

For further information,please call Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang.TQ.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Orientation Test and Motivation Talk

Hey,to everyone!!
Leos of SMI!!
Orientation test will be host by Leo Club of Sam Tet!!

Date:11 July 2009
Venue: SMJK Sam Tet
Fees: RM5

It's especially for those who haven't take orientation test. Please be participate.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Awards!!!@Leo Forum 2009

This 3 trophies are(L-R)Top LEO:Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang, Top PRESIDENT:Leo Geston Yong, Top Secretary:Leo Lee Yee Yang

wait wait!!there are some more...hahax

Hahax..as we know for the fiscal year of 2008/2009,we had done a great project for the Leos in Perak that was LEOLYMPICS..now it shows that our effort is not wasted because it has become TOP JOINT PROJECT AWARD!!!

This is the list of our Leo Club of St. Michael's Institution Award....


DISTRICT 308 B2 LEO CLUB’S AWARD 2008 - 2009

Club Awards

  1. 100% Club Administrative Award
  2. Merit Service Project Award
  3. LEO-LION Serving Together Award
  4. Outstanding Earth Hour Project Award
  5. Outstanding Newsletter Award
  6. Outstanding Membership Growth Award
  7. Outstanding Club Award
  8. District Project Award - Save Your Kidneys
  9. District Project Award - Leo Idol
  10. Top Joint Project Award - LEOlympics

Individual Awards

  1. Top President Award - Leo Geston Yong Thoong
  2. Outstanding President Award - Leo Geston Yong Thoong
  3. Outstanding Vice President Award - Leo Lee Haw Tung
  4. Top Secretary Award - Leo Lee Yee Yang
  5. Outstanding Secretary Award - Leo Lee Yee Yang
  6. Outstanding Treasurer Award - Leo Stephen Liew Chee Seng
  7. Outstanding Director Award - Leo Lee Wei Phun
  8. Outstanding Director Award - Leo Cheong Guo Kang
  9. Outstanding Director Award - Leo Tham Kuen Wei
  10. Top Leo Award - Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang
  11. Outstanding Leo Award - Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang
  12. Merit Leo Award - Leo Toon Kah Chuen
  13. Outstanding New Leo Award - Leo Adriann Gee
  14. Outstanding New Leo Award - Leo Tan Sze Ngou
  15. Leo Proficiency Award - Leo Geston Yong Thoong
  16. Leo Proficiency Award - Leo Lee Yee Yang
  17. Leo Proficiency Award - Leo Stephen Liew Chee Seng
  18. Leo Proficiency Award - Leo Tan Sze Ngou
  19. Leo Academy Achievement Award - Leo Cheng Sai Kit
  20. Leo Academy Achievement Award - Leo Chung Yong Yang
  21. Leo Academy Achievement Award - Leo Khor Er Vin
  22. Faculty Advisor Appreciation Certificate - Madam Jot Mao Tan
  23. Faculty Advisor Appreciation Certificate - Madam Tan Cheng Choo

Merit Award (s) : 1

Outstanding Award (s) : 14

Top Award (s) : 4

Proficiency Holder (s) : 4

Academy Achievement (s) : 3


for ur effort and guiding us towards a success!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Leo Clubs of Region 3 Joint Farewell

Contact person
- Leo Steven (014-6209695/016-546393) -
- Leo Cheong Chee Soon (016-5649900) -
- Leo Zenny Lyn (016-3208889) -
Places are extremely limited....

Hosted by Baki Zainal
(NTV7's 你好 Mr Siao & 8TV's Celebrity Chat Live!!!)

Proceeds from the event will go to the
National Kidney Foundation (NKF)

Superhero Nite for FORUM!!!

One of the highlights of the up & coming LEO Forum 2009 in Penang will be the
That's the official theme for this year's Fellowship Nite!

We heard that the FOC has stated that anyone who is not dressed as a 'Super Hero' will be purnished!!!!! haha.. Let's see what will happen!

Besides that there will be a major line up of celebrities who will bring down the house.. so to speak!!!! :P

Amongst them are
Dina (Malaysian Idol); Wincci Su (Ms Malaysia);
Azizi, Ben, aCap & Zenny (CelebriTeens);
Jeremy Goh (LEO Idol)
Motion Masterz BBoys
& hosted by the whacky Baki Zainal from 8TV!!!!

Let's have the best Fellowship Nite ever!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

At Leo Club of South Kowloon and Leo Club of Ipoh Unity Twinning Ceremony

Up:during the dinner together with Lions and Leos from Malaysia and Lions from Hong Kong.
Down:the Leos and Lions from Malaysia at their Twinning Ceremony.

WOw!!Leo Club of St.Michael's have send a representative to join the wonderful project that is Leo Club of South Kowloon and Leo Club of Ipoh Unity Twinning Ceremony.It was held at Hong Kong!Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang had joined this project at Hong Kong!!

On the 8th of May,Leo Steven had a dinner or known as high class steamboat together with the Lions of Hong Kong and Malaysia and also Leos from Hong Kong and Malaysia itself.Lions from Malaysia were Lion Simon and Lion Alan.Leo from Malaysia were Leo Lau Yau Kin,Leo Eliza,Leo Geraldine,Leo Foong Chee Kiat and our representative,Leo Steven, and others.

This is a fun project and ways to get closer with other District.I hope we Leos from St.Michael's could make some thing like that but not that far away from Malaysia.hehex!!

If any Leo Clubs want to do a Twinning project with Leo Club of St.Michael's,please do contact us!We are waiting for the chance too!You can send a mail to leoclubofstmichael@hotmail.com or contact Leo Steven +60165456393/+60146209695.Thank you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mid Year Examination

First of all,Leo Club of St. Michael's would take this opportunity to wish everyone Good Luck in their examination!Not only Leos from St.Michael's but also other Leos from other School,other Region and also other District!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Leos of St.Michael's @ Ipoh unity and Hong Kong Twinning ceremony!

As we know,Leo Club of Ipoh Unity is our brother and sister club,they have organize a Twinning Ceremony with Leos from Hong Kong.Here comes!!,Leo club of St. Michael's joined Ipoh Unity and Hong Kong Twinning Ceremony!!Besides that, Hong Kong there are full of pretty girls and handsome guys!!haha. So, a few of the pretty and handsome Leos from Hong Kong come far across to Ipoh,Malaysia.

Leo Club of St. Michael's had sent a few representative to meet the Leos from Hong Kong! From Leo Club of St.Michael's they are Leo H'ng Yee Jin,Leo Soon Zheng Hoong,Leo Choy Chung Nan,Leo Yee Hoi Meng,Leo Eugene Lau,Leo Christopher Chow.

Thanx Leo Club of Ipoh Unity(O) for organizing such a good experience event and Welcome Leos from Hong Kong to Malaysia!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

LEADERSHIP Examination

WOW!!What a great moment!DC May Cheah and also Dato Khoo came and host 1 of our CLD programme that was LEADERSHIP examination!This examination was fun because before the examination started,we were being entertain by games.The games was really full-filled with leadership.Just given a material,and we need to elaborate that thing with leadership.silly but fun!!

In this test,Leo Clubs of SBC,SIS,AMC,ANDERSON,PEI YUAN,and the organizer Leo Club of St.Michael's had participate in this examination.A word that will never forget by Leo Club of St.Michael's is THANK YOU!haha.

Besides that,we would also like to thank to our Dato Khoo,DC May Cheah for hosting this examination.They came far across the distance from Penang to Ipoh.Besides that,they were another important person and he helps us alot that is our leng zai RCC,Lion Alan Thoo!!

However,hope DC May Cheah will give Leo Clubs at Ipoh many awards.hahax!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Board Of Directors 2009/2010

President:Leo Steven Tiw Tee Siang
Vice President:Leo Lu Calvin
Secretary:Leo Donivald Tham Kam Loy
Assistant Secretary:Leo Soon Zheng Hoong
Treasurer:Leo Joshua Loo
Fund Raising:Leo H'ng Yee Jin
Membership Chairperson:Leo Sunny Phang
Public Relationship Chairperson:Leo Jeffrey Ong Seok Wai
Environtmental Chairperson:Leo Foo Wei Jien
Healthcare Chairperson:Leo Fong Win Sheng
Educational/Social:Leo Tham Kuen wei

CLD test

The "L" = Leadership examinations, new format with team-building and seminar, will be conducted by District Chairperson for Leos, Ln May Cheah on:

Date: 3rd April 2009
Time: 3.00-6.00pm
Venue: YMCA

Seats are very limited. Kindly contact Leo Geston Yong as soon as possible to reserve your place. Kindly take note: Top Presidents for this fiscal year will only be awarded to those who have passed all L.E.O. Hence, let's go PERAKKKKK!!!!!